Art Students’ Exhibition at Queen Arwa University Showcases Ancient and Contemporary Civilizations

The Department of Fine Arts (Interior Design - Graphics) at the College of Arts and Humanities, Queen Arwa University, organized a student exhibition for second-year students in the course "History of Architecture and Art 1" on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
The exhibition was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Khayyat, President of the University, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Lutfi Al-Rahbi, Dean of the College of Medical Sciences, Dr. Abdul Ghani Al-Maqbali, Dean of the Quality Center, Dr. Aref, Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Mohammed Al-Ahmadi, Head of the Fine Arts Department, and Eng. Ezzedine Al-Sherehi, course instructor.
The exhibition featured images and models representing the Stone, Pharaonic, Chinese, and Modern civilizations, among others studied during the first semester. The displayed works emphasized the artistic and scientific significance of studying these civilizations. This exhibition is a testament to the academic excellence of the students and serves as motivation for other levels in the department to organize similar scientific and artistic exhibitions in the future.
The exhibition was attended by faculty members, staff, and students of Queen Arwa University.