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Monday, 01 January, 2024
Queen Arwa University issues issue (26) of its scientific journal with a new design and open access system (OA) and opens the door for submitting research articles for issue (27)

Queen Arwa University, a leading university in the field of scientific research, issued the twenty-sixth issue of its peer-reviewed scientific journal, which covers various scientific and humanitarian fields.
This new edition of the Queen Arwa University peer-reviewed scientific journal comes after developing and updating several major aspects that continued for two years in a row, the most important of which are the following:
Open Access system: The journal adopts an open access system, which allows researchers, academics, and the public to access its contents freely, without the need for subscription or payment, which contributes to disseminating knowledge and expanding the impact of research.
Updated design and standards: The magazine's design has been updated to comply with the latest global publishing standards, with a focus on improving the user experience and enhancing visual and artistic quality.
Integration with global databases: The journal has been integrated into a group of the most prominent scientific databases and search engines such as Crossref, Google Scholar, EBSCO, and Dar Al-Mandumah. It has also been provided with a DOI for research articles, which enhances its scientific standing and expands the scope of its spread.
International cooperation: The university signed several cooperation agreements with international research institutions to expand the scope of scientific cooperation and open new horizons for research.
Diversity of scientific content: The journal covers a wide range of scientific and humanities fields, including natural sciences, computer sciences, Arabic literature, social sciences, economics, and fine arts.
High quality of publication: The journal is characterized by high standards of scientific review and arbitration, which guarantees the quality and originality of the published content.
All of these features demonstrate Queen Arwa University's commitment to excellence in the field of academic publishing and its effective role in supporting scientific research and expanding the scope of knowledge.
Below is the list of research articles published in this issue and their information
Methods of acquiring nationality in Yemeni law
Author: Dr. Loei Tharesh Noman
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.158]
Assessing the water situation in Yemen: a hydrological study of water sources and estimating the amount of groundwater used and renewed in the main basins of the Republic of Yemen.
Author: Dr. Abdulwahed A. M. Iskandar
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.159]
Legal protection of the marine environment from pollution: an analytical study in accordance with national and international legislation
Author: Dr. Ahmed M. Manea
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.160]
The phenomenon of economic corruption and its impact on economic growth in Islamic countries in light of Transparency International indicators
Author:Dr. Ammar R. Al-Moumani
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.162]
Architectural styles and ancient techniques in the buildings of Al-Damlua Fort in Al-Salw - Taiz Governorate: An architectural archaeological study
Author: Dr. Sami Sh. Al-Shehab
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.163]
The impact of the multiple purchasing power of the national currency on measurement and accounting disclosure: a field study on exchange companies in the capital Sana’a.
Author: Dr. Yassin Saif Muqbil Ali
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.164]
*“Trends of satellite television channels and their technical methods”: A study on a sample of Yemeni satellite channels.
Author: Dr. Yassin S. M. Ali
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.165]
*“The Old Himyari Trade Road (Mawza-Dhofar Mankith)”: An archaeological study.
Author: Dr. Bashir A. S. Hamid
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.166]
*“The role of organizational culture in achieving competitive advantage”: A case study of the Yemeni Omani United Telecommunications Company YOU.
Author: Dr. Mohammed A. S. Al-Kuhali
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.167]
*“Electronic administration and its impact on improving traditional administration”: an applied study on Sana’a University.
Author: Dr. Derhem A. D. Al-Qamsh
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.168]
“The repercussions of the Al-Aqsa flood operation on the Palestinian issue.”
Author: Dr. Nabil M. Badraldin
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.169]
Author: Dr. Nabil M. Badraldin
DOI: [10.58963/qausrj.v1i26.169]
For more details and to view the research, you can visit the official website of the journal:
[Queen Arwa University peer-reviewed scientific journal]