Master's thesis

Master's thesis discussion for researcher/Ahmed Ahmed Abad Rumaysh
A master's thesis discussion for researcher/Ahmad Ahmad Abad Rumaysh was held on Thursday morning 15 December 2022 The public discussion of the master's thesis submitted by researcher/Ahmad Abad Rumaysh tagged as (e-governance and its impact on improving the quality of banking services) Case study, CAC Islamic Bank - Republic of Yemen. The letter was discussed by the scientific committee chaired by Prof. Dr. Abdullah Ali Al-Qurshi - Professor of Business Administration at Dhamar University and member of Prof. Dr. Amin Abdulwahab Al-Hammadi and Dr. Khalil Mohammed Al-Khatib. The discussion committee commended the letter submitted by the researcher; It also made some observations on them that do not diminish the effort. The Committee concluded that the researcher was awarded a master's degree in business administration with excellent recognition. The discussion was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Ismail Badruddin, a number of deans of colleges, heads of departments and academic staff of the University, as well as a number of researchers